
When your cries arise

إذا قامت بواكيك

1. When your cries arise
And your veil is torn

١. إِذا قامت بَواكيكَ
وَقَد هَتَّكنَ أَستارَك

2. Will they eulogize you over your grave
Or will the stones curse you?

٢. أَيُثنينَ عَلى قَبرِك
أَم يَلعَنَّ أَحجارَك

3. What will you leave in this world
When you visit the fire tomorrow?

٣. وَما تَترُك فيَ الدُنيا
إِذا زُرتَ غَداً نارَك

4. You will be seen in Hell's abyss
With Iblis as your neighbor

٤. تُرى في سَقرِ المَثوى
وَإِبليسَ غَداً جارَك

5. To whom will you leave your food
And your clothes and lute?

٥. لِمَن تَترُك زِقَّيكَ
وَدَنَّيكَ وَأَوتارَك

6. And five of the beauties of the night
For they have worn your robes

٦. وَخَمساً مِن بَناتِ اللَي
لِ قَد أُلبِسنَ أَطمارَك

7. God forbid how ugly it is
When you have turned your back

٧. تَعالى اللَهُ ما أَقبَح
إِذ وَلَّيتَ أَدبارَك