
He still opens doors and closes them

ما زال يفتح أبواباً ويغلقها

1. He still opens doors and closes them
Before me, and opens a door after struggling

١. ما زالَ يفتحُ أبواباً ويغلقُها
دوني ويفتحُ بابا بعد إرْتاجِ

2. Until a lamp lit up beneath a veil
The houris have tender glances, their eyelids languid

٢. حتى أضاءَ سِراجٌ دونه حَجَلٌ
حُورُ العيونِ مِلاحٌ طرفُها ساجي

3. They bare their teeth for amusement and pleasure against the cold
Lightning flashed, revealing a dark, towering cloud

٣. يكْشرْنَ للّهو واللذاتِ عن بُرُدٍ
تكشُّفَ البرق عن ذي لُجَّةٍ داجي

4. As if their eyes looked at me
The eyes of a gazelle or a fawn of the thicket

٤. كأنَّما نظرتْ دوني بأعينِها
عِينُ الصّرِيمةِ أو غِزْلانُ فِرْتاجِ

5. Their beauty seduced me until dawn betrayed them
A lover called at dawn's whiteness, complaining

٥. يانُعْمها ليلةً حتى تَخَوَّنها
داعٍ في بياضِ الصبْح شَحّاجَ

6. When he made the first call to prayer, I heard
I took my garment and went on my way

٦. لما دعا الدعوةَ الأولى فأسمعني
أخذتُ ثَوبِيَ واستمرَرْتُ أدراجي