
How many nobles it contained, white of face

كم كان فيها من كرام سادة

1. How many nobles it contained, white of face
Lofty of faith, pillars of belief

١. كَمْ كانَ فِيها منْ كِرامٍ سادَة
بِيضِ الْوُجوهِ شَوامخِ الإِيمانِ

2. Helping one another in religion and piety
Privately and openly, for God

٢. مُتَعاوِنينَ على الدِّيانَةِ والتّقى
للهِ في الإِسْرارِ والإِعْلان

3. Well-mannered, embodying all virtues, sacrificing
His desires and honour to protect

٣. وَمُهَذَّبٍ جَمِّ الفَضائِلِ باذِلٍ
لِنَوالِهِ وَلعِرْضِهِ صَوَّانِ

4. And leaders who compiled all knowledge and refined
The canon of hadeeth and the unclear Quran

٤. وَأَئِمَّةٍ جَمَعُوا الْعُلُومَ وَهَذَّبُوا
سنَنَ الْحَديثِ وَمُشْكِلَ الْقُرْآنِ

5. Scholars, if asked, dispelled blindness
With jurisprudence, eloquence and clarity

٥. عُلَماءَ إِنْ سَاءَلْتَهُمْ كشَفُوا الْعَمَى
بِفَقاهةٍ وَفَصاحَةٍ وَبَيانِ

6. And if matters became confused and entangled
With closed doors and disputing litigants

٦. وَإِذا الأْمُورُ اسْتَبْهَمَتْ وَاسْتَغْلَقَتْ
أَبْوابُها وَتَنازَعَ الْخَصْمانِ

7. They solved every difficult, ambiguous issue
With clear proof and lucid demonstration

٧. حَلُّوا غَوامِضَ كُلِّ أَمْرٍ مُشْكِلٍ
بِدليلِ حَقٍّ واضِحِ البُرْهانِ

8. They forsook beds devoutly obedient to their Lord
Seeking the best secluded and open

٨. هَجَروا المَضاجِعَ قانِتينَ لِرَبِّهِمْ
طَلباً لِخَيْرِ مُعَرَّسٍ وَمغانِ

9. You would see them humble themselves praying
Like monks pray humbly

٩. وَإِذا دَجا اللَّيْلُ البَهيمُ رَأَيْتَهُمْ
مُتَبَتِّلينَ تَبَتَّلَ الرُّهْبانِ

10. In the Garden of Paradise, most honoured dwelling
Between beautiful youths and houris

١٠. في جَنَّةِ الْفِرْدَوْسِ أَكْرَمِ مَنْزِلٍ
بَيْنَ الْحِسانِ الْحُورِ وَالغِلْمانِ

11. Trading it through their profits
What fine trade - obeying the Merciful

١١. تَجِرُوا بِها الفِرْدَوْسَ مِنْ أَربْاحِهِمْ
نِعْمَ التِّجارَةُ طاعَةُ الرَّحْمانِ

12. Godfearing, fearing God truly
Knowing the devils' tricks fully

١٢. المُتَّقينَ اللهَ حَقَّ تُقاتِهِ
وَالعارِفينَ مَكايِدَ الشَّيْطانِ

13. You see the tyrants of kings before them
Bowing heads, necks bent

١٣. وَتَرى جَبابِرَةَ المُلوكِ لَدَيْهِمُ
خُضُعَ الرِّقابِ نَواكِسَ الأَذْقانِ

14. Unable to speak in awe
Except signalling with eyes and eyebrows

١٤. لا يَسْتَطيعُونَ الكلامَ مَهابَةً
إلاَّ إِشارَةَ أَعْيُن وَبَنانِ

15. They feared God so He made all creation fear them
Even the young lions in the thickets

١٥. خافُوا الإِلهَ فَخافَهُمْ كُلُّ الْوَرَى
حَتَّى ضِراءُ الأُسْدِ في الْغِيلانِ

16. Their awe makes you forget the pride
Of every sovereign and feared sultan

١٦. تُنْسيكَ هَيْبتُهُمْ شَماخَةَ كُلِّ ذي
مُلْكِ وَهَيْبَةَ كُلِّ ذي سُلْطانِ

17. Their dreams weigh mountains and their superiority
Is like the unconcealed sun

١٧. أَحْلامُهُمْ تَزِنُ الْجِبِالَ وَفَضْلُهُمْ
كالشَّمْسِ لا تَخْفى بِكُلِّ مَكانِ

18. The Kairouan was counted with them whenever
Pulpits were the jewel of cities

١٨. كانَتْ تُعَدُّ القَيْرَوَانُ بِهِمُ إِذا
عُدَّ المَنابِرُ زَهْرَةَ البُلْدانِ

19. It excelled over Egypt and rightly so, as it boasts
And prevails over Baghdad

١٩. وَزَهَتْ على مِصْرٍ وَحُقَّ لَها كَما
تَزْهُو بِهِمْ وَغَدتْ على بَغْدانِ

20. It became beautiful and when its beauty was complete
And every glance was raised to it

٢٠. حَسُنَتْ فَلما أَنْ تَكامَلَ حُسْنُها
وَسَما إِلَيْها كُلُّ طَرْفٍ رانِ

21. And all its combined virtues
As the abode of security and faith

٢١. وَتَجَمَّعَتْ فيها الفَضائلُ كُلَّها
وَغَدَتْ مَحَلَّ الأَمْنِ الإِيمانِ

22. Days viewed it intensely
Peering intensely, spying

٢٢. نَظَرَتْ لها الأَيَّامُ نَظْرَةَ كاشِحٍ
تَرْنُو بِنَظْرَةِ كاشِحٍ مِعْيانِ

23. Till when destinies stoked its fall
And decree drew near after some time

٢٣. حَتَّى إِذا الأَقْدارُ حُمَّ وَقوعُها
وَدَنا القَضاءُ لِمُدَّةٍ وَأَوَانِ

24. They gifted it a pitch-black evil youth
Who wanted it like a persistent suitor

٢٤. أَهْدَتْ لَها فِتَاً كلَيْلٍ مُظْلِمِ
وَأَرادَها كالنَّاطِحِ العيدانِ

25. With terrible calamities at the hands of abusive Fadis
Who gathered from the Banu Dahman tribe

٢٥. بِمَصائِبٍ مِنْ فادِعٍ وأَشائِبٍ
مَمَّنْ تَجَمَّعَ مِنْ بَني دَهْمانِ

26. How could they feel safe from God's punishment attacking
Mohammed's community in Ramadan?

٢٦. فَتَكوا بأمَّةِ أَحْمَدِ أتُراهُمُ
أَمِنُوا عِقابَ اللهِ في رَمَضانِ

27. They violated protected covenants and disgraced
God's charter without fulfilling guarantees

٢٧. نَقَضُوا العُهُودَ المُبْرَماتِ وَأَخْفَرُوا
ذِمَمَ الإلهِ وَلَمْ يَفُوا بِضَمانِ

28. They relished betraying neighbours and preferred
Enslaving inviolable womanhood and unveiling ladies

٢٨. فاسْتَحْسنوا غَدْرَ الْجِوارِ وَآثَرُوا
سَبْيَ الْحَريمِ وَكَشْفَةَ النِّسْوانِ

29. They humiliated them with evil torment openly
Oppressing spitefully like poisonous snakes

٢٩. سامُوهُمُ سُوءَ العَذابِ وَأَظْهَروا
مُتَعَسِّفينَ كَوَامِنَ الأَضْغانِ

30. And Muslims were divided, captured by the rebels'
Hands, degraded and disgraced

٣٠. وَالمُسْلِمونَ مُقَسَّمونَ تَنالُهُمْ
أَيْدِي العُصاةِ بِذِلَّةٍ وَهَوانِ

31. Whether compelled, tormented or unjustly killed, or
Naked and destitute

٣١. ما بَيْنَ مُضْطَرٍّ وَبَيْنَ مُعَذَّبٍ
وَمُقَتَّلٍ ظُلْماً وَآخَرَ عانِ

32. Screaming for help but voices remain unanswered
Until they despaired, tired out

٣٢. يَسْتَصْرِخُونَ فلا يُغاثُ صَريخُهُمْ
حَتَّى إِذا سَئِمُوا مِنَ الارْنانِ

33. They fled in misery, having exhausted and emptied
All they collected of silent or vocal goods

٣٣. بادوا نُفُوسَهُمُ فَلَّما أَنْفَذُوا
ما جَمَّعوا مِنْ صامتٍ وَصوانِ

34. Having taken all essence and trappings
Rarities, treasures and utensils

٣٤. وَاسْتَخْلَصوا مِنْ جَوْهَرٍ وَمَلابِسٍ
وَطرائِفٍ وَذَخائِرٍ وَأَوانِ

35. They left barefoot seeking refuge in God
From fear and calamities of every kind

٣٥. خَرَجُوا حُفاةً عائِذينَ بِرَبِّهِمْ
مِنْ خَوْفِهِمْ وَمَصائِبِ الأَلْوانِ

36. Fleeing with each infant, child and widow
And mare and stallion

٣٦. هَرَبُوا بِكُلِّ وَليدَةٍ وَفَطيمَةٍ
وَبِكُلِّ أَرْمَلَةٍ وَكُلِّ حَصانِ

37. And with each virgin like frightened gazelle
Captivating intellects with a glance

٣٧. وَبِكُلِّ بكْرِ كالمَهاةِ عَزيزَةٍ
تَسْبي الْعُقولَ بِطَرْفِها الفَتَّانِ

38. Cheeks showing through sheer veils as if
A shining moon appears over Ban rods

٣٨. خُودٍ مُبَتَّلةِ الوِشاحِ كأَنَّها
قَمَرٌ يَلوحُ على قَضيبِ الْبانِ

39. And the populous mosque, Uqbah's revered old
A place now deserted, dark and ruined

٣٩. وَالمَسْجِدُ المَعْمُورُ جامِعُ عُقْبَةٍ
خَرِبُ المعاطِنِ مُظْلِمُ الأَرْكانِ

40. Desolate - no more congregations there
For five daily prayers or the call to prayer

٤٠. قَفْرٌ فَما تَغْشاهُ بَعْدُ جَماعَةٌ
لِصلاةِ خَمْسٍ لا ولا لأَذانِ

41. A house God was worshipped now empty
After idol worship of idols returned

٤١. بَيْتٌ بِهِ عُبِدَ الإِلَهُ وَبُطِّلتْ
بَعْدَ الْغُلُوِّ عِبادَةُ الأَوْثانِ

42. A house built by God's revelation
What fine builder and structure!

٤٢. بَيْتٌ بِوَحْي اللهِ كانَ بِناؤُهُ
نِعْمَ البِنا وَالمُبْتَنى وَالْباني

43. With that disaster too great to dispel
Never ending heartache and suffering

٤٣. أَعْظِمْ بِتِلْكَ مُصيبَةً ما تَنْجَلي
حَسَراتُها أَوْ يَنْقضي المَلَوانِ

44. If Thahlan was hit with one-tenth
Thahlan would have been utterly devastated

٤٤. لَو أَنَّ ثَهْلاناً أُصيبَ بِعُشْرِها
لَتَدَكْدَكتْ مِنْها ذُرا ثَهلان

45. The Iraqi towns are sad as are
Levant, Egypt the Khurasan towns

٤٥. حَزِنَت لها كُوَرُ الْعِراقِ بأَسْرِها
وَقُرى الشَّآمِ وَمِصرُ والْخُرسانِ

46. Even faraway lands like India and Sind shook
And lamented in grief and mourning

٤٦. وَنَزْعَزعَت لمصابها وَتَنَكَّدَتْ
أَسَفاً بلادُ الْهِنْدِ والسِّندانِ

47. Emptied from its end to end, what was between
Andalucia till Khorasan suffered

٤٧. وَعَفا مِنَ الأَقْطارِ بَعْدَ خَلائِها
ما بَيْنَ أَنْدَلُسٍ إِلى حُلْوانِ

48. I see the stars appearing not as before
Dark in the horizon and moons eclipsed

٤٨. وَأَرى النُّجومَ طَلَعْنَ غَيْرَ زَواهِرٍ
في أُفْقِهِنَّ وَأَظْلَمَ الْقَمَرانِ

49. And mountains shaken, yellowed in grief
Quivering, unstable

٤٩. وَأَرى الْجِبالَ الشُمَّ أَمْسَتْ حُشَّعا
لِمُصابِها وَتَزَعْزَعَ الثَّقلانِ

50. The earth after that calamity
Became imbalanced and tilted

٥٠. وَالأَرْضُ مِنْ وَلَهٍ بِها قَدْ أَصْبَحَتْ
بَعْدَ الْقَرارِ شَديدَةَ المَيَلانِ

51. Will nights unite us after what they did?
Will days return the old condition?

٥١. أَتَرَى اللَّيالي بَعْدَ ما صَنَعَتْ بِنا
تَقْضي لَنا بِتَواصُلٍ وَتَدانِ

52. Returning Kairouan to its former position
To eras of old long gone-by

٥٢. وَتُعيدُ أَرْضَ الْقَيْرَوانِ كَعَهْدِها
فيما مَضى مِنْ سالِفِ الأَزْمانِ

53. After days took away its beauty and magnificence
And conflicted groups differed over it

٥٣. مِنْ بَعْدِ ما سَلَبَتْ نَضائِرَ حُسْنِها الْ
أَيْامُ وَاخْتَلَفَتْ بها فئَتانِ

54. Becoming as if never independent and never
A revered land unconquered by anyone

٥٤. وَغَدَتْ كأَنْ لَمْ تَغْنَ قَطُّ وَلم تَكُنْ
حَرَماً عَزيزَ النَّصْرِ غَيْرَ مُهانِ

55. Now that fate had played with its inhabitants
And generations alternated in torturing it

٥٥. أَمْسَتْ وَقَدْ لَعِبَ الزَّمانُ بأَهْلِها
وتَقَطَّعَتْ بِهِمُ عُرا الأَقْرانِ

56. Scattering them far after being together
On lands, divided on homelands

٥٦. فَتَفَرَّقُوا أَيْدي سَبا وَتَشَتَّتُوا
بَعْدَ اجْتِماعِهِمُ على الأَوْطان