
God is eternal while all else perishes

الله باق وكل هالك مودي

1. God is eternal while all else perishes
And death cannot be reversed or eluded

١. اللهُ بَاقٍِ وَكُلُّ هَالِكٌ مُودِي
وَالمَوتُ لَيسَ عَلَى حَالٍ بِمَردُودِ

2. So see that in this life you walk a narrow ledge
As time ravages even mountains solid and rigid

٢. فَانظُر وَإنَّكَ فِي الدُّنيَا عَلَى خَطَرٍ
مَا يَفعَلُ الدَّهرُ فِي صُمِّ الجَلاَمِيدِ

3. It flung the pearls into the abode of loss
When it eroded them till no luster remained hid

٣. وَقَد رَمَاهَا العَنَا فِي دَارِ غِبطَتِهِ
إذَا استَفَادَ بِلىً مِنهَأ بِتَجدِيدِ

4. This is Muhammad, the universally praised
Who left the times unlike any commended

٤. هَذَا مُحَمَدٌّ المَحمُودُ أَجمَعُهُ
قَد خَلَّفَ الدَّهرَ فِينَا غَيرَ مَحمُودِ

5. What share of grace is now severed?
What pillar of Islam lies now demolished?

٥. فَأَيُّ حَظٍّ مِنَ المَعرُوفِ مُنقَطِعٍ
وَأيُّ رُكنٍ مِنَ الإِسلاَمِ مَهدُودِ

6. The second Abbasid heir and his inheritor
Left worldly goods, knowledge, merits undefeated

٦. أودَى ابنُ عَبَّاسٍ الثَّانِي وَوَارِثُهُ
دُنيَا وَعِلماً وَفَضلاً غَيرَ مَجحُودِ

7. He left nothing that he used to own
Except homes like the likeness of mosques

٧. أودَآ وَلم يُبقِ شَيئاً كَانَ يَملِكُهُ
إلاَّ بُيُوتاً كَأمثَالِ المَسَاجِيدِ

8. He who rejects not the plea of one in need
Nor is seen as the next in kindness and bounty

٨. مَن لاَ يَرُدُّ ضَعِيفاً عِندَ مَسأَلَةٍ
وَلاَ يُرَى وَهوَ ثَانِي العِطفِ وَالجِيد

9. Let him be mourned by all who crave his aid
And those barred from his doors, forcibly precluded

٩. فَليَبكِهِ كُلُّ مَلهُوفٍ لِحَاجَتِهِ
وَكُلُّ مُعفىً عَنِ الأبوَابِ مَطرُودِ

10. He preceded in voluntary and obligatory acts
Over our shining moons, luminous as lamps

١٠. لَهُ التَّقَدُّمُ فِي فَرضٍ وَنَافِلَةٍ
عَلَى أَيِمَّتِنَا الغُرِّ الصَّنَادِيدش

11. Never have I seen the guiding lights gathered
Except that they conferred authority onto him amidst

١١. فَمَا رَأيتُ مَصَابِيحَ الهُدَى اجتَمَعُوا
إِلاَّ وَأَلقَوا إلَيهِ بِالمَقَالِيدِ