
O you who falsely accuse me, leave me be

أيها ذا المدعي لسنا

1. O you who falsely accuse me, leave me be
Stop blaming me, I am who I am

١. أيُّهَا ذَا المُدَّعِي لَسَنَا
كُفَّ مِن عَذلِي أنَأ وأنَا

2. Have you seen how malice appeared
And how evil shrieked

٢. أرَأيتَ الضِّغنَ كَيفَ بَدَا
وَرَأيتَ الشَّرَّ كَيفَ رَنَا

3. You dressed me in a coat without price
What if you were given a price for me

٣. بِعتَنِي وكَساً بِلاَ ثَمَنٍ
كَيفَ لَو أُعطِيتَ بِي ثَمَنَا

4. Do not increase your insults and belittlement of me
Surely the deceived one is he who deceived

٤. لاَ تَزِد شَتمِي وَمَنقصَتِي
إنَّمَا المَغبُونُ مَن غَبَنَا