
They said to me, "Will you not mourn Ali

وقالوا لي ألا ترثي عليا

1. They said to me, "Will you not mourn Ali
When dust has concealed his beautiful traits?"

١. وَقالوا لي أَلا تَرثي عَلِيّاً
وَقَد وارَى مَحاسِنَهُ التُّرابُ

2. So I said to them, while grieving for him,
"There remain in my soul remnants untouched by blame,

٢. فَقُلتُ لَهُم وَفي نَفسِي عَلَيهِ
بَقايا لَم يُغَيِّرها العِتابُ

3. Yearning for nobility and loftiness.
His absence is no barrier, for he will return.

٣. نَعاء إِلى المَكارِمِ وَالمَعالي
فَقيداً ما لِغَيبَتِهِ إِيابُ

4. What has your moderation and double-dealing done?
What have your torturous duplicities accomplished?

٤. فَما فَعَلَ اِعتِدالُكَ وَالتَّثَنِّي
وَما فَعَلَت ثَناياكَ العِذابُ

5. I think time has begrudged him to us,
So we harbor resentment against this era.

٥. أَظُنُّ الدَّهرَ ضَنَّ بِهِ عَلَينا
فَنَحنُ عَلى الزَّمانِ إِذاً غِضابُ

6. He who does not accept the days' judgments,
And lacks patience, will prolong his suffering."

٦. وَمَن لَم يَرضَ بِالأَيّامِ حُكماً
وَلَم يَصبِر يَطُل مِنهُ اِنتِحابُ