1. Strangers yet our Lord is Allah
Allah, what a great supporter is Allah
١. غرباء لكنْ ربُّنا اللهُ
الله نِعْمَ الناصرُ اللهُ
2. Why should the blind rock resent
The shining moon, and what did it transgress?
٢. ما يَنْقِمُ الحجرُ الضَّريرُ مِنَ ال
قَمَرِ الُمنيرِ وفيمَ عاداه
3. The stars rose high, O buds
Upon those whose feet remain in the mud
٣. عَلَتِ المنازلُ يا بُدورُ على
مَنْ لَمْ تَزَلْ في الوحْلِ رِجْلاهُ
4. The river laughs at the bushes, and in the deaf
Brambles, it forces its course
٤. والنهرُ يَضْحَكُ للرودِ وفي الصَّ
خْرِ الأَصَمِّ يَشُقُّ مَجْراهُ
5. The bats of darkness were filled with alarm
And the Arabian toads with it
٥. مُلِئَتْ خَفافيشُ الدُّجى هَلَعاً
وضفادعُ السَّبئيِّ إياهُ
6. The Jews were frightened when they saw Umar
His weapon returned in his right hand
٦. جُنَّ اليهودُ وقد رأوا عُمراً
قَدْ عادَ حَرْبَتُهُ بيُمْناهُ
7. This is our time...our fate
And if the darkness refused, we burned it
٧. هذا الزمانُ زُمانُنا ... قَدَراً
وإذا الظَّلام أَبى حَرَقْنَاهُ
8. Oh what a martyr he is, as though an angel
His world lofty, and his hereafter
٨. يا للشهيد كأئَّهُ ملَكٌ
دُنياهُ شامخةٌ وأُخراهُ
9. Allah's gift is his father, what a hero
Like a pearl star that you meet
٩. لله درُّ أبيهِ من بَطَلٍ
كالكوكب الدُّرِّيِّ تَلْقاه
10. The scent of paradise exudes from his blood
And the moon radiates from his forehead
١٠. مِسْكُ الجِنانِ يفوحُ مِنْ دَمِهِ
والبدرُ يسطعُ مِنْ مُحَيَّاهُ
11. In the earth we bury him, and at the peaks
Of Paradise with Allah, is his abode
١١. في الأرض نَدْفِنُهُ وفي قممِ ال
فِردوس عندَ اللهِ مَحْياهُ
12. At night, the maidens of Paradise, when
Every man is tempted by his nights
١٢. ليلاهُ حَورْاءُ الجنانِ إذا
كلُّ امْرىءٍ شَغَفَتْهُ ليلاهُ
13. Do you not recognize this martyr?
The most honorable before him, and the eminent
١٣. هذا الشهيد ألسْتَ تعْرفُه
ألعِزُّ بين يديهِ والجاهُ
14. To him, the earth is a mustard seed
And on the slaves of earth, his shoes
١٤. الأرضُ في عينيه خَرْدَلةٌ
وعلى عبيدِ الأرض نعلاهُ
15. A drink for our first and our last
And for those in the unseen, their station
١٥. سَقْياً لأوَّلِنا وآخِرِنا
ولمنْ بظَهْرِ الغيْب نَهْواهُ
16. A drink for our oneness and our pristine nature
The white, and pages are their siblings
١٦. سَقْياً لوَحْدتنا وفطْرتِنا ال
بيضاءِ والصفحاتُ أشباهُ
17. As we are like a galaxy advancing
The moons of Mecca, may Allah protect it
١٧. إذْ كالمجرَّة نحنُ تَقْدُمُنا
أقمارُ مكةَ صانها اللهُ
18. We were alive when no nation settled
Except by Allah's leave did we revive it
١٨. كنا الحَيَا ما حَلَّ في بَلَدٍ
إلا بإذنِ اللهِ أحياهُ
19. How the fangs shattered the necks, yet
Not an hour passed before we crushed it
١٩. كمْ مزَّقَ النِّيْرُ الرقاب فَلَم
تَكُ ساعةٌ حتى سَحَقْناهُ
20. And the words of my friend, do you remember
Good, the good wished its winds
٢٠. وكلامُ ربعيِّ أَتَذْكُرُه
طيِّبٌ تمنّى الطِّيبُ رَّياهُ
21. Honor lies in the care of the Almighty, and whoever
Worshipped slaves, Allah humiliated him
٢١. العِزُّ في كَنَفِ العزيز ومَنْ
عبَدَ العَبِيْدَ أذَلَّه اللُه