
Come close with the wine, my life for you, father,

أدن من الدن بي فداك أبي

1. Come close with the wine, my life for you, father,
Drink and pour the large cup and lament.

١. أُدْنُ مِنَ الدَّنِّ بي فِداكَ أَبي
واشْرَبْ وهَاتِ الكَبيرَ وانْتَحِبِ

2. Don't you see how the Pleiades shine
In the eyes of light that invite joy?

٢. أَما تَرى المٍطَّلَِّ كَيْفَ يَلْمَعُ في
عُيونِ نُورِ تَدْعو إِلى الطَّرَبِ

3. In each eye for the Pleiades there is a pearl
Like a teardrop in the lids of a lamenter.

٣. في كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لِلطَّلِّ لُؤْلُؤْةٌ
كَدَمْعَة في جُفونِ مُنْتَحِبِ

4. And morning has unsheathed its blades.
And night has thought of fleeing from it.

٤. والصُّبْحُ قَدْ جُرِّدَتْ صَوارِمَهُ
واللَّيْلُ قَدْ هَمَّ مِنْهُ بِالهَرَبِ

5. And the air is in a solid dress
That the lightning wrote in gold.

٥. والجَوُّ في حُلَّةٍ مُمَسَّكَة
قَدْ كَتَبَتْها البُروقُ بِالذَّهَبِ

6. So bring it like a bride, red of
Cheek, in a bed of seeds.

٦. فَهاتِها كَالعَروسِ مُحْمَرَّةَ ال
خَدَّيْنِ في مِعْجَرٍ مِنَ الحَبَبِ

7. It almost became the air in the scent of
Amber had it not been of grapes.

٧. كادَتْ تَكونُ الهَواءَ في أَرْجِ ال
عَنْبَرِ لَوْ لَمْ تَكُنْ مِنَ العِنَبِ

8. From a palm pleased with rejections when
It was angry in its love over anger.

٨. مِنْ كَفٍّ راضٍ عَنْ الصُّدودِ وَقَدْ
غَضِبَتْ في حُبِّهِ عَلى الغَضَبِ

9. So if you see the cup when he mixes it
You see something of the most amazing wonders.

٩. فَلَوْ تَرى الكَأْسَ حينَ يَمْزِجُها
رَأَيْتَ شَيْئاً مِن أَعْجَبِ العَجَبِ

10. Fire contained in glass inflamed by
Water and a pearl spinning in the flames.

١٠. نارٌ حَواها الزُّجاجُ يُلْهِبُها ال
ماءُ ودُرٌّ يَدورُ في لَهَبِ