
Bitter in his rebuke

متبرم بعتابه

1. Bitter in his rebuke
Seeking torment for himself

١. مُتَبَرِّمٌ بِعِتابِهِ
مُسْتَعْذِبٌ لِعَذابِهِ

2. He spurned the chief deliberately
And went his way with his plight

٢. هَجَرَ العَميدَ تَعَمُّداً
فَغَدا وراحَ لِما بِهِ

3. Robing him in his wintry garb
In the prime of his youth

٣. وكَسَاهُ ثَوْبَ مَشيبِهِ
في عِنْفُوانِ شَبابِهِ

4. Thus he signals at dawn
His coming by his going

٤. فَتَراهُ يُؤذِنُ في أَوا
نِ مَجيئِهِ بِذَهابِهِ