
A night of nights in beauty

وليلة ليلاء في اللالوان

1. A night of nights in beauty
Of hue like hue of parting

١. ولَيْلَةٍ لَيْلاءَ في اللْ
لَوْنِ كَلَوْنِ المِفْرَقِ

2. As though its stars were
In West and East dispersed -

٢. كَأَنَّما نُجومُها
في مَغْرِبٍ ومَشْرِقِ

3. Silver coins strewn out
Upon a carpet blue

٣. دَراهِم مَنْثورَةٌ
على بِساطٍ أَزْرَقِ