
Were it not for love's tyranny in its rule,

والحب لولا جوره في حكمه

1. Were it not for love's tyranny in its rule,
The stronger would not submit to the weaker's command.

١. والحُبُّ لَوْلا جَوْرُهُ في حكْمِهِ
ما سَلّم الأَقْوى لأَمْرِ الأَضْعَفِ

2. It left me neither body nor tear, so say
In an elegy that weeps with the tear of an elegy.

٢. لَمْ يُبْقِ لي جِسْماً ولا دَمْعاً فَقُلْ
في مُدْنَفٍ يَبْكي بِدَمْعِ مُدْنَفِ