1. You pointed to the cottage glowing with roses
I was drawn to you, the roses and time faded away!
ูก. ุฃุดุฑุชู ุฃูุชู ุฅูู ุงูููุฎู ุงูู
ุดุนุดุนู ุจุงููุฑุฏ
ุงุฌุชุฐุจุชูููย ุถุงุนู ุงููุฑุฏู ูุงูุฒู
ูู !
2. And where did you lead me astray? Alas! You did not ask
Your eyes about me, your eyes are my homeland
ูข. ูุฃูู ุดุฑููุฏูุชููู ุ ุฃูุงู ! ูุง ุณุฃูุชู
ุนููุงูู ุนููุ ุฃูุง ุนููุงูู ูู ูุทูู
3. I die, I live behind the dunes, a dawn bird
I am, and your dune is this ransomed branch
ูฃ. ุฃู
ูุชุ ุฃุญูุง ูุฑุงุก ุงูููุฏุจูุ ุทูุฑู ุถุญูู
ุฃูุงุ ููุฏุจููู ูุฐุง ุงูู
ููุชุฏู ุบุตูู
4. Yesterday? Pass me a hand and erase.. I was created
Today I was infatuated by a light from you
ูค. ุจุงูุฃู
ุณ ุ ู
ูุฑูู ูุฏุงู ูุงู
ุญู .. ุฎูููุชู ุฃูุง
ย ุงูุชููุชู ุจุถูุกู ู
ูู ุฃููุชูุชููู
5. The light of your smile coming to me from
The coming so what is dawn? You being, paradise!
ูฅ. ุถูุกู ุงุจุชุณุงู
ุชูู ุงูุขุชู ุฅููู ู
ุงูุขุชู ูู
ุง ุงููุฌุฑู ุ ู
ุง ูููู ุชููู ุนูุฏููู !
6. Oh your love! I never loved before
Nor will love after, be gentle and precious, O price!
ูฆ. ุฃูุงู ุญุจูููู ! ูุง ุฃุญุจุจุชู ูุจูู ููุง
ุฃุญุจูู ุจุนุฏูย ุชุฃูููู ูุงุบููุ ูุง ุซูู
7. Under the arch of piled roses for me
Did I twist the waist that bent like an idol?
ูง. ุฃุชุญุชู ููุทุฑุฉู ุงููุฑุฏู ุงูู
ูุฉู ููุ
ูููุชู ุฎุตุฑู ุงูุชู ุงุญูููุชู ูู
ุง ุงููุซูู ุ
8. And I said: "My bird, look with two glances as
The morning breeze, for neither the blossom nor beauty but us!"
ูจ. ูููุชู: "ุทูุฑู ููุทูุฑู ูู ููุจูุชูู ูู
ุงูุตูุจุงย ููุง ุงููุถูุฑ ุฅูุงูุง ููุง ุงูุญุณูู !"
9. My love, which I have hidden since time
Except from fragrance, my love today is revealed
ูฉ. ุญุจููุ ุงูุฐู ุฑุญุชู ู
ูุฐู ุงูุฏูุฑ ุฃุญุฌุจููุ
ุฅูุง ุนู ุงูุนุทุฑุ ุญุจูู ุงูููู
ู ู
10. Like a lute if scratched by a fingertip lamented
It said: I am done with passion and passion is done!
ูกู . ูุงูุนูุฏู ุฅู ุฌุฑูุญุชูู ุฃูู
ูู ุดุฌูุชู
ูุงู: ุงูุชููุชู ุบุฑุงู
ุงู ูุงูุชูู ุงูุดูุฌููู !