
They said his cheeks and lips are thorny

قالوا تشوك خداه وشاربه

1. They said his cheeks and lips are thorny
I said, do not deny what is not strange

١. قالوا تَشَوَّكَ خدَّاهُ وشاربُهُ
فقلتُ لا تُنْكِروا ما ليسَ بالعَجَبِ

2. Thorns on rose trees can be tolerated
And thorns are no wonder amongst clusters of ripe dates

٢. الشَّوكُ في شجراتِ الوردِ مُحْتَمَلٌ
والشَّوكُ لا عَجَبٌ في مُجْتَنى الرُّطَبِ