
O full moon of Neishabour's breast, its rising place,

يا بدر صدر بنيسابور مطلعه

1. O full moon of Neishabour's breast, its rising place,
And sea of generosity for people of merit, its watering place,

١. يا بدرَ صَدْرٍ بنيسابورَ مطلعُهُ
وبحرَ جودٍ لأهلِ الفضلِ مترعُهُ

2. You have watered your vineyard with four kinds of water,
The best and most useful of them being the fourth kind.

٢. سقيت كرميَ ماءً فيه أربعةٌ
منَ المياهِ وخيرُ الماء أنفعُهُ

3. The water of life, the water of the face to plead for it,
The water of youth, the water of roses coming after it.

٣. ماءُ الحياةِ وماءُ الوجهِ يشفعُهُ
ماءُ الشبابِ وماءُ الوردِ يتبعُهُ

4. You will remain as long as a soul remains and a sun rises,
And the most eloquent of my praises of you keeps moving.

٤. بقيتَ ما بقيَتْ نفسٌ وما طَلَعَتْ
شمسٌ وما سارَ من مدحيك أبدعُهُ

5. You do it for virtue, you cultivate goodness,
You gather glory, you hear praise.

٥. للعرفِ تصنعُهُ والخير تزرعُهُ
والمجدِ تجمعُهُ والمدحِ تسمعُهُ