1. O leader of princes and ministers
O pride of literati and poets
١. يا عمدةَ الأمراءِ والوزراءِ
يا عِدَّةَ الأدباءِ والشعراءِ
2. O decoy of the brutal age, and seer of sincere generosity and peer of noblemen
Have you seen the resolve of a scorpion that crept on a foot by which it takes steps to the heights
٢. يا غرَّةَ الزمنِ البهيمِ وناظرَ ال
كرمِ الصميمِ وواحدَ الفضلاءِ
3. When it climbed to the greatest ascent by its sting
The rank of the great was belittled by it
٣. أرأيتَ همَّةَ عقربٍ دَبَّتْ على
قدمٍ بها تخطو إلى العلياءِ
4. If you taste the harm of scorpions, let
The scorpions of the temples remain during prosperity
٤. لما ارْتَقَتْ باللَّسْعِ أعظمَ مُرْتَقى
أخْنَتْ عليها رُتْبَةُ العُظَماءِ
5. O goodness of the sting of a scorpion whose antidote
Is the saliva of the beloved with pure coffee
٥. إنْ ذُقْتَ ضَرَّاءَ العقاربِ فابْقَيَنْ
بعقاربِ الأصداغِ في السَّرَّاءِ
٦. يا طيبَ لسعةِ عقربٍ ترياقها
ريق الحبيبِ بقهوةٍ عذراءِ