1. When we descended to the gardens that appeared
As if they were the gardens of paradise
١. ولمَّا نزلنا البُشنقانَ التي غَدَتْ
وراحت بجنَّاتِ النعيمِ تشبَّهُ
2. Their trees were adorned in spring attire
Having attained all beauty
٢. وقد بَرَزَتْ أشجارها في ملابسٍ
ربيعيَّةٍ حازت مدى الحُسْنِ كلَّهُ
3. We were greeted by pleasing water
And roses that allure the onlooker
٣. وعارَضَنا ماءٌ يروقُ مُصَنْدَلٌ
وواجَهَنا وردٌ يشوقُ مُوَجَّهُ
4. Thunder rumbled playfully in the sky
And on earth, the jug of wine giggled
٤. وقَهْقَهَ رَعْدٌ في السماءِ مُجَلْجلٌ
وفي الأرضِ إبريقُ المُدامِ يقهقِهُ
5. The nightingale sang as if
His own throat was responding to him
٥. وغنَّى مغنِّي العندليبِ كأنَّما
يجاوِبُهُ في حلقِهِ مِزْهَرٌ لهُ
6. My hearing wandered as it pleased, and my sight
But my heart could not wander from its sorrows
٦. تنزَّهَ سمعي ما أرادَ وناظري
وقلبي من الأحزانِ لا يتنزَّهُ