
He who is helped by knowledge,

من كان ينفعه الأدب

1. He who is helped by knowledge,
And whom it raises to the highest ranks,

١. من كان ينفعُهُ الأدَبْ
ويُحِلُّهُ أعلى الرُّتَبْ

2. I have certainly lost over him what
I inherited from a mother and father.

٢. فلقد خَسِرْتُ عليهِ ما
وُرِّثْتُ من أُمٍّ وأَبْ

3. How many farms shining
Turning faces away from the disgrace of seeking.

٣. كم ضيعةٍ كانتْ تصو
نُ الوَجْهَ عن ذُلِّ الطَّلَبْ

4. I wasted them not in gambling
Nor in craving the daughter of the vine,

٤. أتلَفْتُها لا في القِيا
نِ ولا هوَى بِنْتِ العِنَبْ

5. But in events and tribulations,
Misfortunes, calamities and woes.

٥. بل في الحوادِثِ والحوا
ئجِ والنوائبِ والنُّوَبْ

6. How often I said when I sold them
And fell into captivity of distress:

٦. كم قُلْتُ لمَّا بِعْتُها
وحَصَلْتُ في أَسْرِ الكَرَبْ

7. Our hen that used to lay
Golden eggs for us is gone.

٧. ذَهَبَتْ دجاجَتُنا التي
كانَتْ تبيضُ لنا الذَّهَبْ