1. Three afflictions have befallen me and so
The heart's fire has become like embers in me
١. ثلاثٌ قد مُنِيتُ بها فأضحت
لنارِ القلبِ منِّي كالأثافي
2. Debts that have burdened my back and injustice
From the neighbors, whose insolence has grown
٢. ديونٌ أنْقَضَتْ ظهري وجَوْرٌ
من الجيران شابَ لهُ غُدافي
3. And loss of livelihood, what life can there be
For one afflicted with loss of livelihood?
٣. وفقدان الكفاف وأيُّ عيشٍ
لمن يُمنى بفقدان الكفافِ