
The days rejoiced in the radiance of your face,

سعدت بغرة وجهك الأيام

1. The days rejoiced in the radiance of your face,
And the years adorned themselves with your permanence.

١. سَعِدَتْ بغُرَّةِ وجهِكَ الأيَّامُ
وتزيَّنَتْ ببقائِكَ الأعوامُ

2. Your will moved with purpose through the heights,
Understood by perceptions and imaginations alike.

٢. وتصرَّفَتْ بكَ في المعالي هِمَّةً
تعيا بها الأفهامُ والأوهامُ

3. You laid out the carpet of your justice, so it flourished -
Visitations of tranquility and relaxation flowed forth.

٣. ولقد فَرَشْتَ مهادَ عدلِكَ فاغْتَدَتْ
تتواردُ الآسادُ والآرامُ

4. The sword of your supremacy conquered every virgin fortress,
Placing upon it the seal of despair.

٤. وافتضَّ سيفُ عُلاكَ كلَّ مدينةٍ
بكرٍ عليها للإياسِ خِتامُ

5. This was Ziranj, shut up tight and unassailable -
As if, but for you, it would remain untouched.

٥. هذي زرنجُ استغلقت وتمنَّعَتْ
فكأنَّها إلاّ عليكَ حرامُ

6. You opened it up, made evident its secrets, and granted it
A company who serve obediently at your gate.

٦. ففتحتَها وأَبحتَها ومَنَحتَها
نفراً هُمُ لفنائِكَ الخدَّامُ

7. You arrived while the days were singing across the land
A poem whose melody the eras celebrate.

٧. وقَدِمتَ والأيامُ تُنْشِدُ في الورى
بيتاً تجيدُ نشيدَهُ الأيامُ

8. God's victory has come, and the triumph whose account
Is adorned by the pens of scribes.

٨. قد جاءَ نصرُ اللهِ والفتحُ الذي
تُزْهى بكتبةِ وصفِهِ الأقلامُ

9. With the most auspicious of circumstances and fortunate arrival,
And the most perfect success followed by continuity.

٩. بأجَلِّ أحوالٍ وأيمنِ مقدمٍ
وأتمِّ إقبالٍ يليه دوامُ