
O night that was brought forward, when you came

يا ليلة قدمت حتى إذا قدمت

1. O night that was brought forward, when you came
I magnified your sanctity, the deed of loved ones

١. يا ليلةً قُدِّمت حتَّى إذا قَدِمت
عظّمتُ حرمتَها فِعْلَ الألِبَّاءِ

2. Because it recalls the first ones with
The hunting of mighty, lion-like kings

٢. لأنَّها بادّكارٍ للأوائلِ من
صِيْدِ الملوكِ الأشدَّاءِ الأسدّاءِ

3. You have risen from the horse's rein risen
And moved the tongues of festivity and lament

٣. قد أطلعتْ من عِنان الراح طلعتَها
وأَنطقتْ أَلْسُنَ العيدانِ والناءِ

4. And awakened the eyes of pleasures from slumber
And the matter in its stringing is lovers embraced

٤. ونبَّهتْ أعينَ اللذات من سِنَةٍ
والشأنُ في نظمِها عقدُ الأحِبَّاءِ