1. The stars have scattered their glories upon you,
And the angels have bowed down before your noble face,
١. نَثَرَتْ عليكَ سعودَها الأفلاكُ
وعَنَتْ لعزَّةِ وجهكَ الأملاكُ
2. You were wedded to this world because you are its match,
So be happy with it as the angels rejoice for you,
٢. زُوِّجْتَ بالدُّنيا لأنَّك كفؤُها
فاسعدْ بها وليهنِكَ الإملاكُ
3. The earth is your abode and mankind are your servants,
The moon is your sandal and the sky your mantle.
٣. والأرضُ دارُكَ والورى لكَ أعبدٌ
والبدرُ نعلُكَ والسماءُ شِراكُ