1. With a beauty that entranced God's servants
When He brought the fairest of creation to them
١. ومُهَفْهَفٍ فَتَنَ الإِلهُ عبادَهُ
إذ ساقَ حسنَ العالمينَ إليهِ
2. So that Babylon seemed to shine from his glance
And the marshes seemed to flow from his lips
٢. فكأنَّ بابلَ أصْبَحَتْ في طَرْفِهِ
وكأنَّما الأهوازُ في شفتيهِ
3. And the Caliph's signature traveling
Across his cheek appeared upon it
٣. وكأنَّ توقيعَ الرئيسِ مسافرٍ
في عُرْضِ عارضِهِ يلوحُ عليهِ