1. Who can I confide in when I fear slander from him should he visit me?
Love is something few can restrain themselves from exposing.
١. مَن لي بِمَن أَخشى الوُشا
ةُ عَلَيهِ في إِتيانِهِ
2. When I stood at his door and panicked over his abandonment,
His greeting drew near, though long absent on his tongue.
٢. وَالحُبُّ شَيءٌ قَلَّ مَن
يَقوى عَلى كِتمانِهِ
3. Its messenger came with his letter,
Which he had penned with his fingertips.
٣. لَمّا وَقَفتُ بِبابِهِ
وَفَزِعتُ مِن هِجرانِهِ
4. And I ransom the one whose place I've grown used to for his place.
٤. جاءَت تَحِيَّتُهُ قَري
باً عَهدُها بِلِسانِهِ
٥. وَرَسولُهُ بِكِتابِهِ
قَد خَطَّهُ بِبَنانِهِ
٦. وَأَنا الفِداءُ لِمَن أَلِف
تُ مَكانَهُ لِمَكانِهِ