
Would that her cheek met the same fate from love

ألا ليت ذات الخال تلقى من الهوى

1. Would that her cheek met the same fate from love
As my kinsmen, so that the clan be united,

١. أَلا لَيتَ ذاتَ الخالِ تَلقى مِنَ الهَوى
عَشيرَ الَّذي أَلقى فَيَلتَئِمَ الشَعبُ

2. If I were pleased, that would not make me vain,
Knowing reproach would follow it.

٢. إِذا رَضيَت لَم يَهنِني ذَلِكَ الرِضا
لِعِلمي بِهِ أَن سَوفَ يَتبَعُهُ العَتَبُ

3. I weep if she offends, fearing her rejection,
And I plead for her favor, though she's done wrong,

٣. وَأَبكي إِذا ما أَذنَبَت خَوفَ صَدِها
وَأَسأَلُها مَرضاتَها وَلَها الذَنبُ

4. If I had ninety hearts preoccupied,
Not one would turn from loving none but her.

٤. وَلَو أَنَّ لي تِسعينَ قَلباً تَشاغَلَت
جَميعاً فَلَم يَفرُغ إِلى غَيرِها قَلبُ

5. I've seen none who don't know love but her.
Nor one so filled with love beneath his clothes as I.

٥. وَلَم أَرَ مَن لا يَعرِفُ الحُبَّ غَيرَها
وَلَم أَرَ مِثلي حَشوُ أَثوابِهِ الحُبُّ

6. My letter gains no gentle answer that gives joy,
Nor softness nor respect from the messenger I send.

٦. أَما لِكِتابي مِن جَوابٍ يَسُرُّني
وَلا لِرَسولي مِنكِ لينٌ وَلا قُربُ

7. Being joined to you is strictness. Loving you is misery.
Your kindness is harshness. Peace with you is war.

٧. وِصالُكُمُ صَرمٌ وَحُبُّكُمُ قِلىً
وَعَطفُكُمُ صَدٌ وَسِلمُكُمُ حَربُ

8. By God's grace you have therein dignity
So all who seek you find the going rough.

٨. وَأَنتُم بِحَمد اللَهُ فيكُم فَظاظَةٌ
فَكُلُّ ذَلولٍ في جَوانِبِكُم صَعبُ

9. When I visit, you say, "What presumption!" If
I fail to visit but one day, you reproach.

٩. إِذا زُرتُكُم قُلتُم نَزوعٌ وَإِن أَدَع
زيارَتَكُم يَوماً يَكُن مِنكُم عَتبُ

10. So to part from you is blame, and to join you brings hurt.
No parting from you as parting, no love of you as love.

١٠. فَهَجري لَكُم عَتبٌ وَوَصلي لَكُم أَذىً
فَلا هَجرُكُم هَجرٌ وَلا حُبُّكُم حُبُّ

11. A man strives to reach the one he loves,
Yet man is only where his heart impels.

١١. تَرى الرِجلَ تَسعى بي إِلى مَن أُحِبُّهُ
وَما الرِجلُ إِلا حَيثُ يَسعى بِها القَلبُ