
I have burdened myself with people who

لقد كلفت نفسي من الناس بالذي

1. I have burdened myself with people who
See separation as abandonment, so they don't leave it

١. لَقَد كَلِفت نَفسي مِنَ الناسِ بِالَّذي
يَرى الهَجرَ فُرقاناً فَلَيسَ يُفارِقُه

2. So what of one who I hope for no connection from them
Nor are they hearing what I say

٢. فَكَيفَ بِمَن لا وَصلَ أَرجوهُ عَندَهُ
وَلا هُوَ مِنّي سامِعٌ ما أُناطِقُه