
Oh grief - what has this parting wrought

يا ويح هذا الفراق ما صنعا

1. Oh grief - what has this parting wrought
It shattered my gathered host

١. يا وَيحَ هَذا الفِراقِ ما صَنَعا
بَدَّدَ شَملي وَكانَ مُجتَمِعا

2. Who has not tasted parting's bane
Will not see grief, or feel its pain

٢. مَن لَم يَذُق لَوعَةَ الفِراقِ فَلَم
يُلفَ حَزيناً وَما رَأى جَزَعا

3. All else is small beside the woe
Of separation from friends, although it rend the breast

٣. وَكلُّ شَيءٍ سِوى مُفارَقِة ال
أَحبابِ مُستَصَغَرٌ وَإِن فَجَعا