
O you whose love has made me miserable

يا من شقيت بحبه

1. O you whose love has made me miserable
And melted my body with torment

١. يا مَن شَقيتُ بِحُبِّهِ
وَأَذابَ جِسمي بِالعَذابِ

2. With what I keep repeating in the letter
Answer me back for my heart

٢. هَذا كِتابي قَد أَتا
كِ بِما أُرَدِّدُ في الكِتابِ

3. Is inclined towards the answer
And take in your palm a handful

٣. رُدّي الجَوابَ فَإِنَّ قَل
بي مُستَهامٌ لِلجَوابِ

4. Of dust that you have stepped on
Throw it on me for in it is

٤. وَخُذي بِكَفِّكِ قَبضَةً
مِمّا وَطِئتِ مِنَ التُرابِ

5. Some of what would cool my inflammation
And be mixed in my food as long as I live

٥. تُلقى عَلَيهِ فَإِنَّ في
هِ بَعضَ ما يُطفي اِلتِهابي

6. And in my drink
My beloved has gone so oh my misfortune

٦. وَيَكونُ خِلطاً في طَعا
مي ما حَييتُ وَفي شَرابي

7. How prolonged has been my estrangement
My chest is flaming with sorrow

٧. ذَهَبَ الحَبيبُّ فَيا بَلا
ئِي كَيفَ طالَ بِيَ اِغتِرابي

8. And my eyes are raining clouds
I complain to you of yearning

٨. فَالصَدرُ مُضطَرِمُ الحَشا
وَالعَينُ مُسبَلَةُ السَحابِ

9. Between the ribs and the veil
By Allah I have not forgotten you since

٩. أَشكو إِلَيكِ تَلَهُفاً
بَينَ الجَوانِحِ وَالحِجابِ

10. The carriages left with the carriages
Death hovered around me

١٠. وَاللَهِ ما أَنساكِ ما
جَرَتِ الرِكابُ مَعَ الرِكابِ

11. The day you left with the disappearance
Either you left and every dear one

١١. إِنَّ المَنِيَّةَ راوَحَت
ني يَومَ رُحتِ مَعَ الغيابِ

12. Could end up leaving
So upon you, o habitation of peace

١٢. إِمّا ذَهَبتِ وَكُلُّ إِل
فٍ قَد يَصيرُ إِلى الذَهابِ

13. And what was with you was like what was with me

١٣. فَعَلَيكِ يا سَكَني السَلا
مُ وَكانَ ما بِكِ مِثلَ ما بي