
My eyes saw the blood in me, and ill omens in the looks

عيناي شامت دمي والشؤم في النظر

1. My eyes saw the blood in me, and ill omens in the looks,
Away with an eye that sells sleep for vigilance,

١. عَينايَ شامَت دَمي وَالشُؤمُ في النَظَرِ
بُعداً لِعَينٍ تَبيعُ النَومَ بِالسَهَرِ

2. O You from whom thirst overwhelms the water they have denied,
And left it flowing on the chest,

٢. يا مَن لِظَمآنَ يَغشى الماءَ قَد مَنَعوا
مِنهُ الوُرودَ وَأَبقَوه عَلى الصَدَرِ

3. I concealed passion, and it cannot be hidden from anyone,
I am a concealer in other than a concealer,

٣. أُخفي الهَوى وَهوَ لا يَخَفى عَلى أَحَدٍ
إِنّي لَمُستَتِرٌ في غَيرِ مُستَتَرِ

4. So increase or decrease your blame,
All that is borne on fate,

٤. فَأَكثِروا أَو أَقِلّوا مِن مَلامِكُمُ
فَكُلُّ ذَلِكَ مَحمولٌ عَلى القَدَرِ

5. If my grandfather Saeed had been happy, my heart would not have been
A target for one whose heart is harder than stone,

٥. لَو كانَ جَدّي سَعيداً لَم يَكُن غَرَضاً
قَلبي لِمَن قَلبُهُ أَقسى مِنَ الحَجَرِ

6. If he did good he did not intend it,
And if he did bad he insisted without apologizing,

٦. إِن أَحسَنَ الفِعلَ لَم يُضمِر تَعَمُّدَهُ
وَإِن أَساءَ تَمادى غَيرَ مُعتَذِرِ

7. And the most violating of promises of people and their most procrastinating
Of a promise and their most violating of a compact full of bitterness,

٧. وَأَخلَفُ الناسِ مَوعوداً وَأَمطَلُهُم
وَعداً وَأَنقَضُهُم لِلعَهدِ ذي المِرَرِ

8. Whenever I wrote a letter I could not find,
Confidence to end it to you and bring the news about you,

٨. إِذا كَتَبتُ كِتاباً لَم أَجِد ثِقَةً
يُنهي إِلَيكِ وَيأتي عَنكِ بِالخَبَرِ

9. It did your family no harm that they do not look forever
As long as you are among them to a sun or a moon,

٩. ما ضَرَّ أَهلَكِ أَلاّ يَنظُروا أَبَداً
ما دُمتِ فيهِم إِلى شَمسٍ وَلا قَمَرِ

10. Whenever I wanted a request, my heart was your supporter
And I am not from my heart a victor,

١٠. إِذا أَرَدتُ سُلُوّاً كانَ ناصِرَكُم
قَلبي وَما أَنا مِن قَلبي بمُنتَصِرِ

11. Do you remember when we met and my soul ransomed me,
On the day of meeting, I did not speak out of being overwhelmed

١١. هَل تَذكُرينَ فَدَتكِ النَفسُ مَجلِسَنا
يَومَ اللّقاءِ فَلَم أَنطِق مِنَ الحَصَرِ

12. I do not raise my eyes around me when I raise them,
Remaining upon you and all the composure is on the guard,

١٢. لا أَرفَعُ الطَرفَ حَولي حينَ أَرفَعُهُ
بُقيا عَلَيكِ وَكُلُّ الحَزمِ في الحَذَرِ

13. She said you sat and did not look, so I said to her,
You distracted my heart so I could not look

١٣. قالَت قَعَدتَ فَلَم تَنظُر فَقُلتُ لَها
شَغَلتِ قَلبي فَلَم أَقدِر عَلى النَظَرِ

14. Your love covered my heart so it guided it,
And the heart has greater authority than sight,

١٤. غَطّى هَواكِ عَلى قَلبي فَدَلَّهَهُ
وَالقَلبُ أَعظَمُ سُلطاناً مِنَ البَصَرِ

15. I put my cheek to get closer to those strolling around you
Until I was despised and the like of me is not to be despised,

١٥. وَضَعتُ خَدّي لِأَدنى مِن يُطيفُ بِكُم
حَتّى اِحتُقِرتُ وَما مِثلي بَمحتَقَرِ

16. There is no shame in love, for love is an honor,
But sometimes it troubles those in danger.

١٦. لا عارَ في الحُبِّ إِنَّ الحُبَّ مَكرُمَةً
لَكِنَّهُ رُبُّما أَزرى بِذي الخَطَرِ