
By my life, if he who brings you closer

لعمري لئن كان المقرب منكم

1. By my life, if he who brings you closer
Is sincere in his love, I deserve such closeness,

١. لَعَمري لَئِن كانَ المُقَرِّبُ مِنكُمُ
هَوىً صادِقاً إِنّي لَمُستَوجِبُ القُربِ

2. I will tend what you have not tended in me,
And guard what you neglected of love's sanctity.

٢. سَأَرعى وَما اِستَوجَبتِ مِنّي رِعايَةً
وَأَحفَظُ ما ضَيَّعتِ مِن حُرمَةِ الحُبِّ

3. When will you see me, oh unjust one, and realize
The symptoms of one whose inner secrets and heart are torn open?

٣. مَتى تُبصِريني يا ظَلومُ تَبَيَّني
شَمائِلَ بادي البَثِّ مُنصَدِعِ القَلبِ

4. Innocent, he wished for sin when you wronged him,
So that it would be said his death was caused by his sin.

٤. بَرِياً تَمَنّى الذَنبَ لَمّا ظَلَمتِهِ
لِكَيما يُقالَ الصَرمُ مِن سَبَبِ الذَنبِ

5. And I used to complain of her rebukes and reproaches
She distressed me with reproach and blame;

٥. وَقَد كُنتُ أَشكو عَتبَها وَعِتابَها
فَقَد فَجَعَتني بِالعِتابِ وَبِالعَتبِ

6. Yet I tend to her absence and protect it,
Even when she gives me misery and distress.

٦. وَإِنّي لَأَرعى غَيبَها وَأَحوطُهُ
وَإِن كُنتُ مِنها في عَناءٍ وَفي كَربِ