
I remembered you with the apple when I smelled it

ذكرتك بالتفاح لما شممته

1. I remembered you with the apple when I smelled it
And with the wind when I faced the drinking

١. ذَكَرتُكِ بِالتُّفّاحِ لَما شَمَمتُهُ
وَبِالراحِ لَما قابَلت أَوجُهَ الشَربِ

2. With the apple I remembered conversations with you
And with the wind the sweet taste of your kiss

٢. تَذَكَّرتُ بِالتُفّاحِ مِنكِ سَوالِفاً
وَبِالراحِ طَعماً مِن مُقَبَّلَكِ العَذبِ