
My heart in this land Egypt is held captive

أمسى الفؤاد بهذا المصر مرتهنا

1. My heart in this land Egypt is held captive
I want no other home but it as my nation

١. أَمسى الفُؤادُ بِهَذا المِصرِ مُرتَهَنا
فَما أُريدُ لِنَفسي غَيرَهُ وَطَنا

2. Leave Hejaz and those who make their home there
For my heart is smitten with the people of these tombs

٢. دَعِ الحِجازَ وَمَن أَمسى يَحُلُّ بِهِ
إِنَّ الفُؤادَ بِأَهلِ الغَورِ قَد فُتِنا