1. Your eyes have darkened my eyes, for they
Have exchanged them for sleepless nights
١. ظَلَمَت عَينُكِ عَيني إِنَّها
بادَلَتها بِالرُقادِ الأَرَقا
2. Yearning has been unleashed on tears, so they
Flowed freely when yearning's urge inclined
٢. سُلِّطَ الشَوقُ عَلى الدَمعِ فَما
هَبَّ داعي الشَوقِ إِلّا اِندَفَقا
3. I did not restrain my heart from its plea
And I had been gentle with it indeed
٣. كُنتُ لا أَمنَعُ قَلبي سُؤلَهُ
وَلَقَد كُنتُ عَلَيهِ شَفِقا
4. So the heart persisted in the sea of love
Riding delusions until it sank
٤. فَتَمادى القَلبُ في بَحرِ الهَوى
يَركَبُ التَغريرَ حَتّى غَرِقا
5. O you who mourns a people gone by
The earth has become their grave and coffin
٥. أَيُّها النادِبُ قَوماً هَلَكوا
صارَتِ الأَرضُ عَلَيهِم طَبَقا
6. Mourn lovers, and lovers alone
Only lovers among us are dead
٦. أُندُبِ العُشّاقَ لا غَيرَهُمُ
إِنَّما الهالِكُ مَن قَد عَشِقا
7. The meadow shone, and I thought it strange
How could I not recognize those paths?
٧. أَشرَقَ المَيدانُ فَاِستَنكَرتُهُ
كَيفَ لا أَعرِفُ تِلكَ الطُرُقا
8. They told me she passed by it
I said that's why it shines radiant
٨. خَبَّروني أَنَّها مَرَّت بِهِ
قُلتُ مِن ثَمَّ أَراهُ مُشرِقا
9. I smelled the breeze from her direction
So my heart cracked and split into pieces
٩. فَشَمَمتُ الريحَ مِن تِلقائِها
فَاِستَطارَ القَلبُ مِني شِقَقا