1. By my father who was stingy with greetings to me
And twisted my religion and did not restrain the blame,
١. بِأَبي مَن ضَنَّ عَني بِالسَلام
وَلَوى دَيني وَلَم يَرعَ الذِمام
2. And wounded my heart with what I heard from him
Of words whose impact was like arrows,
٢. وَكَوى قَلبي بِما أَسمَعَني
مِن كَلامٍ وَقعُهُ وَقعُ السِهام
3. I only cry for a neighbor girl
Who led my heart to her by its reins,
٣. إِنَّما أَبكي عَلى جارِيَةٍ
قادَتِ القَلبَ إِلَيها بِزِمام
4. She envied me a glance at her face
When we sat so she hastened to stand,
٤. حَسَدَتني نَظرَةً في وَجهِها
إِذ جَلَسنا فَاِستَحَثَّت لِلقِيام
5. Then she said, O turn away from us for between us
Is only greetings with greetings.
٥. ثُمَّ قالَت يا اِزدَجِر عَنّا فَما
بَينَنا إِلّا سَلامٌ بِسَلام
6. They wrongly told her so she turned
Her soul from me in suspicion and blame.
٦. بَلَّغوها باطِلاً فَاِنصَرَفَت
نَفسُها عَنّي بِظَنٍّ وَاِتِّهام
7. Would that my share of you, Mistress, were
A glance I can look at each year.
٧. لَيتَ حَظّي مِنكِ يا سَيِّدَتي
نَظرَةٌ أَنظُرُها في كُلِّ عام