1. We rode spirited, sincere youths
On a khutariyyah, speckled, that we whipped along,
١. رَكِبنا وَفِتيانَ صِدقٍ ثُبينا
طُخارِيَّةً قُرَّحاً يَغتَلينا
2. We had a qasiyya whip from China upon us
With which we drove them, grunting with exertion as they climbed.
٢. عَلَينا مِنَ الصينِ قَسِّيَّةٌ
عَلَونا بِها وَاللُبودَ المُتونا
3. We set out as high-spirited youths,
To sport with it, striking with little riding-crops.
٣. خَرَجنا شَباباً ذَوي نَجدَةٍ
لِنَلهو عَلَيها بِضَربِ الكُرينا
4. The scions of noble houses,
Who have ruled the people for ages, for a time.
٤. بَني سادَةٍ مِن بَناتِ المُلو
كِ قَد مَلَكوا الناسَ دَهراً وَحينا
5. It galloped with us at full speed,
Hurrying, as we urged it on.
٥. فَسارَت بِنا رُكَّضاً بِالفَلا
عِجالاً وَنَحتَثُّها مُعجِلينا
6. As they vied with us for mastery,
While we steered them as we wished.
٦. فَهُنَّ يُنازِعَنَنا شُزَّباً
وَنَحنُ نُعَطِّفُها كَيفَ شينا
7. When we met in our exercise-ground,
On the common way where the riders separate,
٧. فَلَمّا اِجتَمَعنا بِمَيدانِنا
عَلى وَفقِ مُفتَرَقِ الراكِبينا
8. They had braided their reins,
Not fumbling about or fumbling them.
٨. وَقَد سَدَّدوا عَقدَ أَذنابِها
فَما يَأتَلونَ وَما يَأتَلينا
9. We were two parties in one place.
Paired off well with each other, pair by pair.
٩. وَصِرنا فَريقَينِ في مَجمَعٍ
فَأَحسِن بِهِنَّ قَريناً قَرينا
10. We shot at them continuously; they dodged about, protectively
Changing colour in their self-protection.
١٠. رَمَينا بِمُتَّصِلٍ حَرزُها
تَلَوَّنَ في حَرزِها الحارِزونا
11. When they raised them with the stick for the turn,
Together we turned our eyes up to it.
١١. إِذا رَفَعوها بِعودِ الخِلافِ
رَفَعنا جَميعاً إِلَيها العُيونا
12. Some urged their mounts slantingly towards it
While their companions urged theirs towards it.
١٢. فَمِن راكِضٍ مائِلٍ نَحوَها
وَأَصحابُهُ نَحوَها راكِضونا
13. Some stood, mounted, spurring her on alone
That he might get past on his own rein held firm.
١٣. وَمِن واقِفٍ راكِبٍ فارِهاً
لِيَمضي عَلَيهِ فَريداً مَكينا
14. Some erred as he got his chance; but he grieved
For missing what had got by him.
١٤. وَمِن مُخطِئٍ حينَ طابَت لَهُ
فَظَلَّ لِما فاتَ مِنها حَزينا
15. You could see some of us ride back,
And some advance upon its blows.
١٥. تَرى بَعضَنا راكِباً مُدبِراً
وَبَعضاً إِلى ضَربِها مُقبِلينا
16. Those advancing were not in retreat,
Nor were those retreating advancing.
١٦. وَما المُدبِرونَ مِنَ المُقبِلينَ
وَما المُقبِلونَ مِنَ المُدبِرينا
17. You would fancy they intended to meet,
But they do not expect what they thrust they will hit.
١٧. تَخالُهُمُ قَصَدوا لِلّقا
ءِ وَما يَرتَمونَ ما يَطعَنونا
18. They get involved with the sack when they are ahead
While each fancies the others mere players.
١٨. يَخوضونَ بِالقُمرِ إِن سَبَّقوا
وَكُلٌّ يَخالُهُمُ لاعِبينا
19. You see us sincere, shouting advice about a lively
١٩. تَرانا نَصيحُ بِطَيّارَةٍ
أَمِنّا قَوائِمَها أَن تَخونا
20. Have we secured firmness in her legs that she not tumble us?
When we tried to turn her, we found her biddable,
٢٠. إِذا ما أَرَدنا بِها مَعطِفاً
وَجَدنا بِها طَوعَ عَطفٍ وَلينا
21. Responding to pressure of the rein, and pliant.
If we put pressure on the rein she would
٢١. تَكادُ إِذا ما عَطَفنا بِهِ
نَّ أَن يَنثَنينَ وَما يَنثَنينا
22. Almost bend double, but does not bend double.
When we had sported and the victors won the finest of them,
٢٢. فَلَمّا لَعِبنا وَطابَت لَنا
وَفازَ بِأَطيَبِها الغالِبونا
23. We turned to a prepared residence which delighted the eyes in prospect.
They set up the instruments in order,
٢٣. عَطَفنا إِلى مَنزِلٍ حاضِرٍ
كَثيرِ اللَذاذَةِ مُستَبشِرينا
24. While we commanded the perfect order.
When we came to it, as we had yearned for it, all together yearningly,
٢٤. وَقَد أَحكَموا جَمعَ آلاتِهِ
وَكُنّا بِأَحكامِهِ الآمِرينا
25. We stayed because we considered it a blessing at which the beholder's eye is pleased.
We bumped down and alighted like battle heroes whose heads are not weighed down with aches from the fight.
٢٥. فَلَمّا اِنتَهَينا إِلَيهِ وَقَد
حَنَنّا إِلَيهِ جَميعاً حَنينا
26. We gestured around the group with the cups yielded ungrudgingly to them,
Ever bowing down to their goblets, bowing much, though they bow not.
٢٦. أَقَمنا عَلى أَنَّها نِعمَةٌ
تَقَرُّ بِها أَعيُنُ الناظِرينا
27. They pass round goblets of silver continuously, unflagging and unresting.
So the pourers' hands were paralyzed with that
٢٧. نَكُبُّ وَنَبزُلُ مِثلَ الغَزا
لِ لَم تَحمِلِ الرَأسُ مِنهُ قُرونا
28. While the drinkers' selves delighted in it.
We, in our fine manners,
٢٨. نُديرُ عَلى القَومِ مُستَبذَلاً
لَهُم بِالشَرابِ كَفيلاً ضَمينا
29. Passed the goblets around to the right.
When they were ordered on the first of the drinkers,
٢٩. يَظَلُّ لِأَكؤُسِهِم راكِعاً
كَثيرَ السُجودِ وَما يَركَعونا
30. They came to the last of them.
The cup did not cease from the bitterness of her imposed round;
٣٠. يُديرونَ أَكؤُسَ مِن فِضَّةٍ
وَما يَفتُرونَ وَما يَمتَرونا
31. Nor did we fail to relish drinking it.
When she got her grip on some one of us she provoked him to eructation or made him bump his forehead.
٣١. فَخَفَّت عَلى ذاكَ أَيدي السُقاةِ
وَطابَت بِهِ أَنفُسُ الشارِبينا
32. We did not leave her in debt to us by postponing drinking her.
We were saluted with her and all drank together. We followed her with roses and jasmine.
٣٢. وَنَحنُ عَلى حُسنِ آدابِنا
نُديرُ الكُؤوسَ عَلَينا يَمينا
33. The eyes of the slave girls sang to us with her.
We took amusement at them and they at us.
٣٣. إِذا ما أُمِرَّت عَلى أَوَّلينَ
مِنَ الشارِبينَ أَتَت آخِرينا
34. Beauty of faces, largeness of bodies, like roe-gazelles pasturing.
As the minstrel leads, they all but swoon over us and we over them.
٣٤. فَلا هِيَ تَفتُرُ مِن مَرِّها
وَلا نَحنُ مِن شُربِها فاتِرونا
35. We consented to them for our delight:
They with us, we with them delighted.
٣٥. إِذا أَمكَنَت بَعضَنا لَم يَزَل
يُرَفِّعُها أَو يَصُكُّ الجَبينا
36. When the flute echoes their voices,
And their strings quaver a melodious plaint,
٣٦. وَلَسنا نُؤَخِّرُ مِن شُربِها
فَنَجعَلَ مِنها عَلَينا دُيونا
37. Roused by the cockcrow you would ransom yourselves for us, every one of you ransom the others.
For that we are like swords drawn against them.
٣٧. نُحَيّا بِها وَنُسَقّى مَعاً
وُنُتبِعُها الوَردَ وَالياسَمينا
38. We love music, revel in it,
And drink our drink fearlessly.
٣٨. وَعَينُ الجَواري يُغَنّينَنا
بِها نَتَلَهّى وَما يَلتَهينا
39. In that we expend our wealth
And quaff it without cease so long as we live.
٣٩. حِسانُ الوُجوهِ عِظامُ الجُسومِ
كَغِزلانِ بَرِّيَّةٍ يَرتَعينا
40. For months on end and through the days
We remain in that same state and for years.
٤٠. يَكَدن إِذا هُنَّ غَنّينَنا
لَنا يَلتَوينَ وَما يَلتَوينا
٤١. رَضينا بِهِنَّ لِلَذّاتِنا
هُناكَ وَهُنَّ بِنا قَد رَضينا
٤٢. إِذا النايُ جاوَبَ أَصواتَهُنَّ
وَأَوتارَهُنَّ فَرَنَّت رَنينا
٤٣. وَرُوِّعنَ بِالصُبحِ أَبصَرتَنا
نُفَدّي بِأَنفُسِنا أَجمَعينا
٤٤. فَنَحنُ عَلى تِلكَ مِن حالِنا
كَأَنّا سُيوفٌ لِذاكَ اِنتُضينا
٤٥. نُحِبُّ السَماعَ وَنَلتَذُّهُ
وَنَشرَبُ ما عِندَنا آمِنينا
٤٦. وَفي تِلكَ نُنفِقُ أَموالَنا
وَنَشرَبُها أَبَداً ما بَقينا
٤٧. نَظَلُّ الشُهورَ وَأَيّامَها
عَلى مِثلِ ذاكَ وَطولَ السِنينا