
I have said while worries were still

ولقد قلت والهموم ركود

1. I have said while worries were still
And my tears flowed on my cloak

١. وَلَقَد قُلتُ وَالهُمومُ رُكودُ
وَدُموعي عَلى الرِداءِ تَجودُ

2. "O children of Adam, let's call out
We are but slaves of women

٢. يا بَني آدَمٍ تَعالوا نُنادي
إِنَّما نَحنُ لِلنِساءِ عَبيدُ

3. He who blames me for women, I blame him
By God, I am fond of women

٣. مَن يَلُمني عَلى النِساءِ أَلُمهُ
أَنا وَاللَهِ لِلنِساءِ وَدودُ

4. O maidens, tell me of my affairs
Can a lover be sold to whoever wants?

٤. يا جَواري حَدِّثنَني بِحاياتي
هَل يُباعُ الحَبيبُ فيمَن يُريدُ

5. So let me graze in the garden of love
And stroll through its plants satisfied

٥. فَذَراني في رَوضَةِ الحُبِّ أَرعى
أَتَمَشّى في نَبتِها وَأَرودُ

6. Alas, this passion has conquered people
And made covenants over them

٦. وَيحَ هَذا الهَوى لَقَد مَلَكَ النا
سَ وَصارَت لَهُ عَلَيهِم بُنودُ

7. So if my passion has led me
David used to rave with passion as well

٧. فَلَئِن قادَني هَوايَ لَقَد كا
نَ تَصابي إِلى الهَوى داودُ

8. Yearning has healed me, O Sa'eed bin Uthman
For God's sake, favor me, O Sa'eed

٨. شَفَّني الشَوقُ يا سَعيدُ بِن عُثما
نَ فَبِاللَهِ مَنِّني يا سَعيدُ

9. Success, by God who ordains success,
Belongs to debts which went unpaid

٩. إِنَّ فَوزاً وَاللَهُ يُصلِحُ فَوزاً
لِلدِيونِ الَّتي عَلَيها جَحودُ

10. When we meet, I lower my gaze
Not looking at her, though I have no grudges

١٠. وَأَراني إِذا اِلتَقَينا أَغُضُّ الطَر
فَ مِن دونِها وَما بي صُدودُ

11. Awe, from her majesty, like an infant's
Awe of a parent though grown

١١. هَيبَةً مِن جَلالِها مِثلَ ما يُق
صِرُ مِن دونِ والِدٍ مَولودُ

12. We are imprisoned by passion, and have accepted
Our chains and shackles

١٢. نَحنُ في مَحبِسِ الهَوى قَد قَرَرنا
وَعَلَينا سَلاسِلٌ وَقُيودُ

13. Passion rarely leaves a youth
Rather, I see it grow every day

١٣. لا يَكادُ الهَوى يُفارِقُ صَبّاً
بَل أَراهُ في كُلِّ يَومٍ يَزيدُ