1. From the road we came seeking you
Yearning over years of travel
١. إِنّا مِنَ الدَربِ أَقبَلنا نَؤُمُّكُمُ
أَنضاءَ شَوقٍ عَلى أَنضاءِ أَسفارِ
2. Rarely did you allow us to enjoy your company
Before the camels were loaded up to depart
٢. فَقَلَّما مَتَّعونا بِالمُناخِ بِكُم
حَتّى اِستَقَلَّت وَقَد شُدَّت بِأَكوارِ
3. Youth must complain of its tribulation
When dwelling after dwelling replaces home
٣. وَالصَبُّ لابُدَّ أَن يَشكو صَبابَتَهُ
إِذا تَبَدَّلَ غَيرَ الدارِ بِالدارِ