1. I weep and become restless,
Weep, O unjust one, and I will console him,
١. أَبكي وَأَستَخلي كِتا
بَكِ يا ظَلومُ وَأَستَزيرُه
2. So you may feel remorseful for imprisoning him,
He whose happiness is prolonged.
٢. فَتَحَرَّجي مِن حَبسِهِ
عَمَّن يَطولُ بِهِ سُرورُه
3. The letter comes from the beloved
With him represented in it, his conscience,
٣. يَأتي الكِتابُ عَنِ الحَبي
بِ مُمَثَّلاً فيهِ ضَميرُه
4. It tells of a mirage with his promise,
His deception never ceases.
٤. يَحكي السَرابَ بِوَعدِهِ
ما يَنقَضي أَبَداً غُرورُه
5. It makes me happy and stirs in me,
Sorrow, when his lines are few.
٥. فَيَسُرُّني وَيَهيجُ لي
حُزناً إِذا قَلَّت سُطورُه
6. And I am amazed at his stinginess,
From me, of what does not harm him.
٦. وَلَقَد عَجِبتُ لِبُخلِهِ
عَنّي بِشَيءٍ لا يَضيرُه