
This is the book of a young man who preserves your absence,

هذا كتاب فتى لغيبك حافظ

1. This is the book of a young man who preserves your absence,
Burdened with remembering you, O Zulaima of refinement.

١. هَذا كِتابُ فَتىً لِغَيبِكِ حافِظٍ
كَلِفٍ بِذِكرِكِ يا ظُلَيمَةُ مُدنَفِ

2. If you are absent, his eyes find comfort in his tears,
And if his eyes catch sight of you, they do not glance away.

٢. إِن غِبتِ آنَسَ طَرفَهُ بِدُموعِهِ
وَإِذا أَصابَكِ طَرفُهُ لَم يَطرِفِ

3. You have become the preoccupation of his tongue, heart,
And eyelids with persistent, halted lamentation.

٣. أَصبَحتِ شُغلَ لِسانِهِ وَفُؤادِهِ
وَجُفونِهِ بِالساجِمِ المُتَوَكِّفِ

4. The lover regrets staying behind, and has not stopped
Since you left, between regret and gasping longing.

٤. نَدِمَ المُحِبُّ عَلى المُقامِ فَلَم يَزَل
مُذ غِبتِ بَينَ تَنَدُّمٍ وَتَلَهُّفِ

5. I wish that when I remained behind, I had not traveled,
Or when I traveled, that he had not stayed behind.

٥. فَوَدِدتُ أَنّي إِذ تَخَلَّفَ لَم أَسِر
أَولَيتَهُ إِذ سِرتُ لَم يَتَخَلَّفِ