
O my soul, keep away from both worlds

أيا هم نفسي من العالمين

1. O my soul, keep away from both worlds
And whoever does not care for my connection, do not mind him

١. أَيا هَمَّ نَفسي مِنَ العالَمينَ
وَمَن لَيسَ يَرعى لِوَصلي ذِماما

2. Why do you dislike returning greetings?
Does that spoil fasting for you?

٢. لِماذا تَكَرَّهتِ رَدَّ السلامِ
أَيُفسِدُ ذاكَ عَلَيكِ الصِياما

3. By Allah, it is not possible for a Muslim
In religion, that he does not return greetings

٣. وَوَاللَهِ ما يَسَعُ المُسلِمي
نَ في الدينِ أَن لا يَرُدّوا السَلاما

4. So who was the one who gave you a verdict until you saw
My killing as lawful and my connection as forbidden

٤. فَمَن كانَ أَفتاكِ حَتّى رَأَي
تِ قَتلي حَلالاً وَوَصلي حَراما

5. You felt embarrassed to connect in fasting
With piety but you intended for my killing as a goal

٥. تَحَرَّجتِ أَن تَصِلي في الصِيا
مِ تَقوى وَرُمتِ لَقَتلي مَراما

6. What do you want with lengthening the fasting
If you push my soul towards destruction

٦. فَما تَبتَغينَ بِطولِ الصِيا
مِ إِذا أَنتِ أَورَدتِ نَفسي الحِماما