
When in one of misfortune's moments

وإذا عصاني الدمع في

1. When in one of misfortune's moments
My tears disobey me

١. وَإِذا عَصاني الدَمعُ في
إِحدى مُلِمّاتِ الخُطوبِ

2. I let them flow remembering
My beloved's abandonment

٢. أَجرَيتُهُ بِتَذَكُّري
ما كانَ مِن هَجرِ الحَبيبِ

3. O you who are a confidant
To an abandoned heart, wronged and gloomy

٣. يا مَن لِمَهجورٍ قَري
حِ القَلبِ مَظلومٍ كَئيبِ

4. Passion has taken from his body
And his heart the greatest share

٤. أَخَذَ الهَوى مِن جِسمِهِ
وَفُؤادِهِ أَوفى نَصيبِ