1. The beauty has announced her departure
So take the path to bid her farewell
١. إِنَّ المَليحَةَ آذَنَت بِتَرَحُّلٍ
فَاِقصِد سَبيلَ لِقائِها وَوَداعِها
2. In the morning my heart sensed fragmentation
So I wept before its scattering could be gathered
٢. آنَستُ مِن قَلبي الغَداةَ تَشَتُّتاً
فَبَكَيتُ قَبلَ تَشَتُّتِ اِستِجماعِها
3. She who dwelled in your heart is unfaithful
A nymph who veils her face with her arms
٣. إِنَّ الَّتي سَكَنَت فُؤادَكَ كاعِبٌ
حَوراءُ تَستُرُ وَجهَها بِذِراعِها
4. As if she were a jinniyah, as though
The dangling grapevines waved beneath her veil
٤. وَكَأَنَّها جِنِّيَّةٌ وَكَأَنَّما
هُدلُ الكُروم تَلوحُ تَحتَ قِناعِها