1. Oh You who brought me intercessions
From the one I sought to fulfill my needs
١. يا مَن أَتاني بِالشَفاعاتِ
مِن عِندِ مَن أَبغيهِ حاجاتي
2. If you are my Master, then she who
Wrote in you is my Mistress
٢. إِن كُنتُ مَولاكَ فَإِنَّ الَّتي
قَد كَتَبَت فيكَ لَمَولاتي
3. Sending you to us is for us
An honor above honors
٣. إِرسالُها فيكَ إِلَينا لَنا
كَرامَةٌ فَوقَ الكَراماتِ