
May God increase your joy, for the one

زادك الله سرورا إن من

1. May God increase your joy, for the one
You were longing for has now arrived

١. زادَكَ اللَهُ سُروراً إِنَّ مَن
كُنتَ مُشتاقاً إِلَيهِ قَد قَدِم

2. Live with delight, happy that he is here
And God will increase blessings if you give thanks

٢. عِش قَريرَ العَينِ مَسروراً بِهِ
فَيَزيدُ اللَهُ بِالشُكرِ النِعَم

3. O trustee of God, working for Him
The best caller who rose among the best of nations

٣. يا أَمينَ اللَهِ وَالساعي لَهُ
خَيرُ داعٍ قامَ في خَيرِ الأُمَم

4. Blessed is the land where you were settled
A land of honor and jihad, so remain

٤. حَبَّذا الأَرضُ الَّتي أُوطِنتَها
أَرضُ عِزٍّ وَجِهادٍ فَأَقِم