
Her face has not been absent from me since I first saw it

وما غاب عني وجهها مذ رأيتها

1. Her face has not been absent from me since I first saw it
Nor has my heart inclined from her to another

١. وَما غابَ عَنّي وَجهُها مُذ رَأَيتُها
وَلا مالَ بي عَنها إِلى غَيرِها قَلبي

2. Nor have I sought to distract myself from her, even if
I avoided her for a day, my Lord would punish me

٢. وَلا رُمتُ عَنها سَلوَةً وَلَو أَنَّني
تَجَنَّبتُها يَوماً لَعاقَبَني رَبّي

3. My circumstances have not changed in being connected by her rope
I would cut it off whether distant or close in nearness to her

٣. وَلا اِختَلَفَت حالايَ في وَصلِ حَبلِها
لَأَقطَعُهُ في البُعدِ مِنها وَفي القُربِ