1. By my life, if others think ill of me at night
It's for that I've hidden our love and been discreet
١. لَعَمري لَئِن أَمسى بِغَيرِكِ ظَنُّهُم
لَذَلِكَ أَخفى لِلوِصالِ وَأَستَرُ
2. People suspect me with their suspicions, but you
Know my love that I conceal until I die
٢. يَظُنُّ بِيَ الناسُ الظُنونَ وَأَنتُمُ
هَوايَ الَّذي أُخفي إِلى يَومَ أُقبَرُ
3. So don't blame me for what they say
And don't recall what's best forgotten
٣. فَلا تَحمِلي ذَنباً عَليَّ مَقالَهُم
وَلا تَذكُري مِن ذاكَ ما ليسَ يُذكَرُ