
Why did you not resist your love, O son of Al-Ahnaf

هلا عصيت هواك يا ابن الأحنف

1. Why did you not resist your love, O son of Al-Ahnaf
When there is no comforter for your flowing tears

١. هَلّا عَصَيتَ هَواكَ يا اِبنَ الأَحنَفِ
إِذ لا نَصيرَ لِدَمعِكِ المُتَوَكِّفِ

2. By my father and mother, I saw a gazelle
That evening, above an overlooking roof

٢. بِأَبي وَأُمّي ظَبيَةً أَبصَرتُها
تِلكَ العَشِيَّةَ فَوقَ سَطحٍ مُشرِفِ

3. She looked from the high roof, and around her
Were white tents like hovering clouds

٣. نَظَرَت مِنَ السَطحِ الرَفيعِ وَحَولَها
بيضُ الوَصائِفِ كَالظِباء العُكَّفِ

4. She looked at you with a sad eyelash
The look of the healthy towards the ill and weak

٤. نَظَرَت إِلَيكَ بِمُقلَةٍ مَحزونَةٍ
نَظَرَ الصَحيحِ إِلى المَريضِ المُدنَفِ

5. And I bid her farewell, raising the cloak
After crying and after prolonged standing

٥. وَلَقَد رَفَعتُ لَها الرِداءَ مُوَدِّعاً
بَعدَ البُكاءِ وَبَعدَ طولِ المَوقِفِ

6. I praise those whose companionship endures
And blame all fleers, hastily departing

٦. إِنّي لَأَحمَدُ مَن يَدومُ وِصالُهُ
وَأَذُمُّ كُلَّ مُواصِلٍ مُستَطرِفِ