
O stranger far from home

يا غريب الدار عن وطنه

1. O stranger far from home
Weeping alone for what is gone

١. يا غَريبَ الدارِ عَن وَطَنِه
مُفرَداً يَبكي عَلى شَجَنِه

2. Another's sorrow moved him so
We all weep for our home

٢. شَفَّهُ ما شَفَّني فَبَكى
كُلُّنا يَبكي عَلى سَكَنِه

3. And yet his heart was pierced with pain
A bird that weeps what it has lost

٣. وَلَقَد زادَ الفُؤادَ شَجاً
طائِرٌ يَبكي عَلى فَنَنِه

4. The more he wept the more he pined
Sickness crept through his flesh and bones

٤. كُلَّما جَدَّ البُكاءُ بِهِ
دَبَّتِ الأَسقامُ في بَدَنِه