1. The beloved was unfaithful though I wanted his affection
He kept his distance though I wished it were not so
١. عَبِثَ الحَبيبُ وَكانَ مِنهُ صُدودُ
وَنَأى وَلَم أَكُ ذاكَ مِنهُ أُريدُ
2. Morning and eve he turned from me, angry and annoyed
When I sought him out he shunned me and pulled away
٢. يُمسي وَيُصبِحُ مُعرِضاً مُتَغَضِّباً
وَإِذا قَصَدتُ إِلَيهِ فَهوَ يَحيدُ
3. With conversation he's sparing and miserly toward me
Though freely I give my joy and all he might desire
٣. وَيَضِنُّ عَنّي بِالكَلامِ مُصارِماً
وَبِمُهجَتي وَبِما يُريدُ أَجودُ
4. I fear his disdain and our parting, which to a lover
Is awfully hard, a weight no shoulders can abide
٤. إِنّي أُحاذِرُ صَدَّهُ وَفِراقَهُ
إِنَّ الفِراقَ عَلى المُحبِّ شَديدُ
5. O you whose call brought me close then unjustly did spurn
Return, for constant friendship makes one lauded
٥. يا مَن دَعاني ثُمَّ أَدبَرَ ظالِماً
إِرجِع وَأَنتَ مُواصِلٌ مَحمودُ
6. I oft think of you, your memory binds my tongue
I weep remembering what joys we once pursued
٦. إِنّي لَأُكثِرُ ذِكرَكُم فَكَأَنَّما
بِعُرى لِساني ذِكرُكُم مَعقودُ
7. Do not persist in your coldness and kill me slowly
Help me in my cause, I'm wearied and subdued
٧. أَبكي لِسُخطِكِ حينَ أَذكُرُ ما مَضى
يا لَيتَ ما قَد فاتَ لي مَردودُ
8. Your love yet resides in my heart and swells with
Each breath though at times it softens with threads of hope
٨. لا تَقتُليني بِالجَفاءِ تَمادِياً
وَاِعنَي بِأَمري إِنَّني مَجهودُ
9. Until my body wastes away with longing for you
Naught left but dried up bones and leathered skin
٩. مازالَ حُبُّكِ في فُؤادي سَاكِناً
وَلَهُ بِزَيدِ تَنَفُّسي تَرديدُ
10. Never does my heart turn from it, not one hour
And until I die it surely will not be removed
١٠. فَيَلينُ طَوراً لِلرَّجاءِ وَتارَةً
يَشتَدُّ بَينَ جَوانِحي وَيَزيدُ
11. Your love dwells in me as though threaded through my ribs
My heart's with you, but its home is lost to me
١١. حَتّى بَرى جِسمي هَواكِ فَما تُرى
إِلاّ عِظامٌ يُبَّسٌ وَجُلودُ
12. Gone is my heart, I cannot sense its beat
I think it will return when again we meet
١٢. لا الحُبُّ يَصرِفُهُ فُؤادي ساعةً
عَنهُ وَلا هُوَ ما بَقيتُ يَبيدُ
13. None but you, my darling, do I wish to love
For no fresh branch can sprout from withered wood
١٣. وَكَأَنَّ حُبَّ الناسِ عِندِيَ ساكِنٌ
وَكَأَنَّهُ بِجَوانِحي مَشدودُ
14. God bless the singers though their disdain pains me
When absent just one day, no vows they'll make
١٤. أَمسى فُؤادي عِندَكُم وَمَحَلُّهُ
عِندي فَأَينَ فُؤادِيَ المَفقودُ
١٥. ذَهَبَ الفُؤادُ فَما أُحِسُّ حَسيسَهُ
وَأَظُنُّهُ بِوِصالِكُم سَيَعودُ
١٦. وَاللَهِ لا أَبغي سِواكِ حَبيبَةً
ما اِخضَرَّ في الشَجَرِ المُوَرِّقِ عودُ
١٧. للَّهِ دَرُّ الغانِياتِ جَفَونَني
وَأَنا لَهُنَّ عَلى الجَفاءِ وَدودُ
١٨. يَرعَينَ عَهدي ما شَهِدتُ فَإِن أَغِب
يَوماً فَما لي عِندَهُنَّ عُهودُ