
O people of Mecca, what do your jurists see

يا أهل مكة ما يرى فقهاؤكم

1. O people of Mecca, what do your jurists see
In a lover who is committed to peace?

١. يا أَهلَ مَكَّةَ ما يَرى فُقَهاؤُكُم
في عاشِقٍ مُتَعاهِدٍ لِسَلامِ

2. Do you see that as violating his ihram
Or is that not a violation of ihram?

٢. أَتَرَونَ ذَلِكَ ضائِراً إِحرامَهُ
أَم لَيسَ ذاكَ بِضائِرِ الإِحرامِ