
Who can excuse me from an angry sinner

من عذيري من مذنب غضبان

1. Who can excuse me from an angry sinner
I came seeking his reproach, so he rebuked me

١. مَن عَذيري مِن مُذنِبٍ غَضبانِ
جِئتُ أَبغي عِتابَهُ فَبَداني

2. The love of that beloved is in my heart
A pasture where lies the garden of sorrows

٢. حُبُّ ذَلفاءَ داخِلٌ في فُؤادي
مُرتَعٍ فيهِ رَوضَةَ الأَحزانِ

3. Tell me of the one who spread the rumours
That I am in it and you took part

٣. حَدِّثيني عَمَّن أَشاعَ حَديثاً
أَنا فيهِ وَأَنتِ مُشتَرِكانِ

4. By my life, I will surely bury secrets
Remain with me in the grave of concealment

٤. فَلَعَمري إِنّي لَأَدفِنُ أَسرا
رَكِ عِندي في حُفرَةِ الكِتمانِ

5. If you could see me, O Hashim ibn Suleiman
Crying when you see me, and I do not cry

٥. لَو تَراني يا هاشِمُ بنَ سُلَيما
نَ وَما بي بَكَيتَ حينَ تَراني

6. I have no comforter except you when
You are absent, except my tongue and eyes

٦. لَيسَ لي مُسعِدٌ سِواكَ إِذا ما
غِبتَ إِلّا اللِسانُ وَالعَينانِ

7. If I wished, I would not attain oppression
Falling short of you, O oppressor of wishes

٧. لَو تَمَنَيتُ ما بَلغَتُ ظَلوماً
قَصَّرَت عَنكِ يا ظَلومُ الأَماني

8. My eyes testified for me, they did not see the likes of you
Since they existed, and they will not see

٨. شَهِدَت لي عَينانِ لَم تَرَيا مِث
لَكِ مُذ كانَتا وَلا تَرَيانِ

9. I swear I have not filled my eyes with longing
For anyone but you, except the houri of heavens

٩. قَسَماً ما مَلَأَتُ عَينَيَّ مِن شَخ
صِكِ إِلّا ذَكَرتُ حورُ الجِنانِ

10. You appeared, so I shielded my face with my palms
Fearing that the two beholders would be snatched

١٠. طَلَعَت فَاِبتَدَرتُ وَجهي بِكَفّي
حَذَراً أَن يُخطَفَ الناظِرانِ

11. How can the wicked desire the sweet basil
While the oppression of basil is for the basil

١١. كَيفَ يَبغي الرَيحانَ أَهلُ ظَلومٍ
وَظَلومُ الرَيحانُ لِلرَيحانِ